Friday, March 27, 2009

Dr. Daddy....

i hope he's ready.
fortunately, 4 out of 5 of the above syringes tastes like straight sugar.
but boy, that pink one....that's no joke.
good luck with that.

as i was uploading this, i realized i have some pics on my cammie that you'd be sad to miss out on.

1 of the 4 daily "nebby-sessions."

name that gameshow:

smoking his hooka...

you're interrupting the good part of the show.
where i kick wildly. and scream. and ruin it for the other people in the room who have never seen it yet...

meet Curly.
the family dog.
it doesn't shed, bark, bite, eat, or cost me much money.
it's as close as he's gonna get to a dog ....for a LONG TIME....

and this is the part where chad and i have decided "baby einstein" left the room during production and during some bathroom break, the drunk intern slipped in and messed around with the footage.

or smoked a hooka of his own:

his new Bible.
he nearly shred a few pages out of Genesis, in his excitment...

a moment at the doctor yesterday where i full-on brimmed with remorse that i don't breastfeed anymore. he was SO upset, had a bloody nose from the flu test, tired, in pain....and when he was little, i would BF right after his shots and he'd calm down immediately....

those were the days....


NOW back to our regularly scheduled show.....
today's post is below.
this was just a blip on the radar....

sorry. ;)


glenna marshall said...

Baby Mozart. We're watching it right now and I just saw that tornado thingy. :)

Anonymous said...

poor poor baby puff!!!!