Tuesday, August 11, 2009

deep considerations...

i wonder if arlen specter really grasps how old he is.

eating sushi while paying the bills seemed like a fun combo, but the soy sauce container smells raunch on my desk the following morning.

time to shave, isaac is petting my leg hair.

i seriously doubt my ability to work out repeatedly. even if i spend money to do it. i just don't trust that i can do it.

don't go off bragging about perfecting the 'last minute payment' of mortgage. cuz at the last minute, you might lose your mortgage payment stub booklet thingy. and drop two eggs and a full box of pasta on the ceramic floor. and misplace birthday money. and myriad of all bad, horrible things that must happen in a rather unfortunate series....


chrissy said...

this was amazing! isaac was petting your leg??? HAHA!

Emily said...

i too have had a few leg-hair petting moments since cardin was born. :)